
Why You May be Attracting Troubles and Bad Guys ?

Image from Pixabay

"Like attracts like" 

In other words, the energy and vibrations that you put out into the universe through your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions, will attract similar energy and vibrations back to you. Therefore, if someone always seems to attract troubles or bad guys into their life, it is likely because they are unknowingly putting out energy that is attracting these negative experiences.

Here are some possible reasons why someone may be attracting troubles or bad guys into their life according to the law of attraction:

Negative beliefs and thoughts: If someone has negative beliefs about themselves or the world around them, they may be unconsciously attracting negative experiences. For example, if someone believes that they are not worthy of love or that the world is a dangerous place, they may attract people or situations that reinforce these negative beliefs.

Emotional state: Emotions are powerful energy magnets. If someone is frequently experiencing negative emotions such as fear, anger, or sadness, they may be attracting negative experiences into their life. This is because the energy they are putting out is in alignment with similar negative energy in the universe.

Lack of clarity: If someone is not clear about what they want in life, they may attract experiences that are not in alignment with their desires. This is because they are sending mixed signals to the universe, and the universe responds by sending experiences that are a match for their confused energy.

Past experiences: Traumatic or negative past experiences can leave an energetic imprint on someone, causing them to attract similar negative experiences in the future. This is because their energy is still stuck in the past, and they are unknowingly attracting more of the same.

To break the cycle of attracting troubles or bad guys into their life, someone needs to start focusing on positive thoughts, beliefs, and emotions. They need to be clear about what they want in life and take action towards achieving their goals. By raising their vibration and focusing on positive energy, they can start to attract more positive experiences into their life.

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